Friday, November 25, 2016

Storing And Navigate Web Pages For Offline Viewing

Storing And Navigate Web Pages For Offline Viewing

STORING and navigate web pages for offline viewing - Fortunately, almost 100% of Android users have a contract with your company that allows them to use mobile data tariff. Despite this, data rates have a limit that we pass it drastically limits the download speed. Some users therefore control the maximum data flow on your Android when not connected to a Wi-Fi.

In the case of websites, sometimes we consume excessive data. To solve this consumption, we bring as saving web pages for viewing offline or a data connection without the need of spending.
Storing And Navigate Web Pages For Offline Viewing
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Saving web pages in different browsers
Most people tend to use Google Chrome as the default browser, but for those who prefer to use another browser such as Opera or Firefox, well show you how to save a page in each browser.

Google Chrome
In Chrome, the option to access a page will first have to have it loaded to full and then continue pressing the 3 buttons on the top right to open the print settings and will press on.

In this option you can choose to save the PDF save the page, which we are previewing or alternatively can send it to a nearby Wi-Fi printer.

In Mozilla Firefox, the process will also be very simple, just go into the page you wish to download and press in the Options button (depending on the smartphone will be implemented top right or will the hardware button options), in our case the button physical options. Here we click on page-> "save web page" and automatically save a PDF of the web page.

To find later download page go to options and will press this time on downloading, there will be unloaded page

Opera browser
Opera is no slouch and gives us a way to store and display a little more versatile pages.

In this case, we have to load the desired page, and once loaded will click the + top left and we will display a bar where to choose "To read offline."

After pressing this option well go to the bookmarks bar, and there, in "Saved pages" our page you will find.

In this way and in these 3 browsers will we be able to control with a little more precision mobile data consumption when we are not connected to a Wi-Fi. Very useful!

Go to link download

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