Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Establishing funds random screen Android

Establishing funds random screen Android

If for you to set a wallpaper is like choosing your first Pokémon, this is your article. If previously these 237 wallpapers we recommend you do not have or are not convinced of like wallpapers dstock, you now have the opportunity to enjoy thousands of funds random screen.

Tapet, the first generator wallpapers
"Tapet - Wallpapers Infinite" is an application that automatically generates wallpapers in HD, with the air of material design and Android 5.0 Lollipop and completely random. Tapet does not have a large database of previously generated wallpapers, but creates new wallpapers with patterns and colors that generates.
Establishing funds random screen Android

Tapet integrates an interface style Hot or Not or Tinder, that is, you can choose if the wallpaper generated you like it or not, so that the app "learn" your tastes and future wallpapers that generate them more suitable to your taste. In addition, the application works with 4 gestures:

Slide up: generates a new random background screen

Slide down: Displays the previous Wallpaper

Slide right: change colors but the pattern remains

Swipe left: Change the pattern but keeps colors

In this way, you can find the style of wallpaper that you like in no time. In settings, you can choose the period of change wallpaper, ranging from one minute to one week. On the other hand, you can choose the probability that one color or another, or what textures or patterns would like to see more often.

Finally, Tapet gives you the option to save the memory of your devices wallpaper you like, or the possibility of consulting the wallpapers with "like" or "do not like". Finally, the application has a premium service, which basically offers the possibility to choose your own colors with a "maneger pattern", all at 2.83 euros.

In short, Tapet "Infinite Wallpapers" is an ideal application for people who love to customize your wallpaper every few minutes, and especially for those people who will design material design with Android 5.0 Lollipop patterns.

The only drawback of this app is the excessive use of RAM memory used, especially if we set a short period of change wallpaper, but we should not worry if you have a terminal midrange up. We want to hear:

Google Play | Tapet - Infinite Wallpapers

Have you tried Tapet? What do you think?

Go to link download

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